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3DA UPDATE 11.4.21

Mark Seel


Sending an update on the Bygones build process! The supply chain disruption is impacting Bygones by delaying deliveries here and there, but we're mitigating that as much as we can. CASES - You may have seen on my insta story that the milled aluminum cases have arrived from China. Thankfully they did not get held up too long on some container ship. The cases look amazing, and when I did a dry fit on the jacks, they look just like I intended. Now THAT is precision engineering (i.e. multiple iterations to get it right)! PCBs - Our first foray into exporting (sending the chips to China to get mounted onto PCBs) went swimmingly. Those PCBs have all been manufactured and parts mounted, and have been sent back to the US. We know they are in Cincinatti, OH (thanks DHL for shipment tracking) but they have been delayed about 3 times. Hopefully they will arrive in the next few days. ASSEMBLY - Meanwhile, the bottom boards are being assembled into cases in preparation for the pending PCBs and additional assembly steps. When all components are in hand, we will put together some media demonstrating the build process.


We anticipate orders will be shipped out this quarter. as planned. Orders will be fulfilled in the order they were purchased. We will notify you if there are delays!


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