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3DA UPDATE 12.11.21

Mark Seel

Hello from the frigid North! Winters here in MN can be quite cold but we love the sunny mornings. Here's an update on all things 3DA.



Bygones V2s shipped the week of Thanksgiving!

US shipments arrived within several business days and international packages took closer to 10 days, as expected. What wasn't expected was that we found a MIDI bug that affects the CC and PC commands. All V2 customers have been contacted and invited to participate in a MIDI + V3 update program, where we'll upgrade the unit firmware (fixing the MIDI bug), and swapping out the lid... i.e. essentially upgrading V2 to V3 on our dime. More than half of our V2 customers are taking part as of now, and we hope to get the rest upgraded soon.

Note that upgrading your V2 to V3 using the manual firmware update persists the MIDI bug. The only way to resolve this is for 3DA to update your pedal.

Bygones V3 production is starting!

Most of the needed PCBs have arrived from China so we'll start getting pots soldered on. We're expecting the remaining PCBs next week, and those will enter assembly once they're here. We've received our order of 4000 knobs ahead of schedule! Cases are being manufactured, and are expected in early to mid January. We've been monitoring supply at our US vendors (jacks, foot switches, etc.) and stock has been high to date, so no concerns there.

We anticipate shipping the next set of BV3 near the end of January, 2022...

Unless the cases get delayed, or needed parts are unavailable. As we progress through our production process, we will continue to refine the delivery date. Note that if you ordered after 11/27/21, your pedal will be fulfilled in the next batch (Feb/March timeframe).



Check out the tidy, clean and friendly website design!

Drop us a note if you're looking for content that's not posted yet. Several folks have asked for a user manual, and it will be coming as time permits. There are good usability discussions on Slack, so come on over if you can't wait for the manual, or if you just want to get in on the fun!

User Interface and MIDI docs have been posted on the website.



The first REWIRE batch has been funded!

Mark is jumping for joy to have met this pre-order milestone so quickly! We'll be pulling the trigger on PCBs, cases and other needed parts for this Digital Matrix Mixer soon. Fulfillment is expected to be late Q1, 2022. Haven't ordered your Rewire yet? No worries! Orders can be placed here, and will be targeted for Q2 fulfillment.



3DA is rolling out beta testing, with the Rewire, Camber and Lumen first up.



Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to make and post videos of their Bygones impressions!

As we hear about these videos, we will add them to the website, and also promote on Instagram and Facebook. If you LOVE your Bygones, share what you love about it! If you run into an issue, or need clarification on a feature, please contact us!

When you're bummed that something took longer than you thought it should, remember that you solved a complex problem! And now what you are working on is even more valuable.
--Mark, 3DA

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